Monday, April 14, 2014

What happens when we act as if the Earth is not Here?

People take the Earth for granted.  We think everything happens "automatically".  We live on planet Earth.  We breathe the air (or try to), we drink water (or purchase expensive Spring Water, bottled at approved Springs, using approved methods, which can be used by, for example, a Quantum Universe. For example, I use three, for three philosophical properties, needed to create a Universe.  One, Truth, comes from the Fiji Islands and are sold in square bottles.  One, Love is tricky, because more springs "sprung up", in effect, with us ending up with "branching Springs".  This will be a controversy, handled through the marketing and management department of the Eye Blink Universe.

The corporation is Crystal Geyser.  I am working, as a Universe, to make sure we only get the water from their CG Roxane Spring Source water, located close to Mt. Shasta, near California's Mount Shasta at CG Roxanne LLC, Weed, CA.  Zooming in further, we can read the zip code, 94094.  (Note to company, if you're reading this in your dreams:  Just be careful, not to ship spring water to me, from another spring, based on a different area of the country.  Use Mount Shasta.  Thank you!)

So, that takes care of (or not) the first two types of water.  For the third one, I go all the way up to Iceland, Iceland Spring water.  Walgreens carries it  --  Sort of.  Here in North Carolina, Weaver Street Coop, located in multiple places in Orange and Durham county, but in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, leads to several points off of an English exam, I'm sure...  :-)

Iceland Spring Water comes right from downtown Reykjavik, in a walkable space with lots of interesting artifacts, reasons to travel, and/or to look within.   I will be a woman there, some day.

So, with these three waters, you have a way to connect with Planet Earth.  Earth, itself (as well as, perhaps, me) will contact you with the next steps to see if this job (yes, job) will be a good fit.  This is the Infrastructure, folks.  Our government does not seem to want to play fair with us. They are doubling down.  Unfortunately, planet Earth does have ways to defend herself.  I'm acting sort of like as a social worker for Planet Earth at this time. 

First off, trees have LONG memories.  (Murders have been solved YEARS later, due to a body "growing up" with a tree, for example).  So if you're a logging company for many years, we may DEFINITELY have a history with each other.  (This being the spirit of the dead tree, and the person who chopped it down).

This is an overview.  And trees are patient.

So what's it going to be, folks, more treatment of Earth, as the "Porta-Potty", for the human waste?  Or something different?  '

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Wayne Parker

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