Friday, March 7, 2014

Multidimensional Social Worker?

OK.  This is Old Style Blogging now.  I'm in two realities at once.  One of them is a comfortable apartment in North Carolina, which acts as my "crew quarters" for this "mission".  The outside is not so important, as long as the weather doesn't cause problems of its own. 

The other reality is the one I'm "working with", which is  now, getting kind of rough, as much of the "conventional media is in the process of "going home for the weekend".  Yes, I'm talking about you, MSNBC.

It's like we're experiencing the end of the people going out, from bringing us our "news", to the transition to the weekend programming.  I'm blogging from the point of view of the "infrastructure" of it all.  Especially, those who went way out there, where air rates are pretty high, and the turbulence is ferocious.

I've been around (somehow, generically) as a "listener" for many of the cast and crew of the news organization in question.  And they are getting burned out!

And yes, there are layers upon layers upon layers of Infrastructure, that have to be contended with.

To be continued.

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