Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Industrial Strength Liquid Laxative" ran me ragged last night.

Hello folks,

In just a few more hours, I'll be off on a bus trip, which will end up at Madison and Broadway, Swedish Medical Center, in beautiful Seattle, WA.

Last night, I used "Gavilyte-G Solution 4000ML", an Industrial Strength Liquid Laxative, which was used to completely "flush out" my digestive system, so that I can successfully undergo a Colonoscopy today, beginning at 12 noon.

Guess what?  I was run ragged, between my bed (where I was doing abdominal massage on myself), a chair in the bedroom, and a toilet seat in my bathroom.

The "directions" for the Givilyte-G say to drink 8 ounces every 15 minutes.  But after about 4 of those, I experienced upper stomach bloating, and was in danger of vomiting.  So I called the doctor's office, getting their answering service.  I asked for help, and the night doctor (who's not doing the procedure) called me back.  He told me that they absolutely do not want me to vomit, and so to take my time and allow my digestive tract to do its work.  Good move!  Thank you night doctor (whose name I do not remember).

The good news?  I feel 500 percent better now!!!   It turns out that I was suffering from some sort of chronic, mostly on, "vague discomfort" in my lower abdomen.  The reason I know this now is by contrast.  Because it went away last night!

Wish me luck!   :-)

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Update on Colonoscopy: Night before with an Industrial Strength Laxative.

Hello folks,

I'm still in the preparation phase for tomorrow's Colonoscopy, 12 noon, at Swedish Hospital in Seattle, WA.

As anyone knows, who has gone through this procedure, the large intestine must be clean (or at least close enough) before the procedure starts.  So there is this Industrial Strength Liquid Laxative that is prescribed for the day before, beginning at 4-5 in the afternoon.  Well guess what?  Even before the procedure, I'm feeling mentally clearer than I've felt in years!

You see, there has been research, suggesting that digestive issues can affect mental health.

Anyway, my next post will likely be after I get home from the procedure.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Kenneth Parker

Monday, September 16, 2013

This Dream Social Worker going in for a Colonoscopy on Wednesday

Hello folks,

A "big body" is going to the hospital on Wednesday to undergo a Colonoscopy.

I am following all of the instructions, and am trusting that, no matter how big the body is (space nebula?  Long story, link later), it wants to feel comfortable.

I'll use this forum to describe my experiences.  Right now, I'm in the preliminary phase, the last day of a "low fiber diet".  Tomorrow, I'll be in the "clear liquid" phase.  Fortunately, even for big bodies, there are facilities, in these realms to handle them.  I'm talking "other planes" big, by the way, not what happens when you eat too much junk food.

I'll be doing posts, in this forum, so others can know what they can expect, if they schedule medical procedures in Seattle.

My doctor will be Karlee Ausk, MD, and the procedure will be done on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, starting somewhere around 12 pm.

Yes, this is a case of care being given to a care giver.  There is an important point here, because the doctors and nurses are people, too.  They need care too.  I'll be fine, due to qualifying for Medicare.   I'll be operating "in parallel", where all of my cells (or at least a large portion of them) will be "little versions of Kenneth Wayne Parker", in their own version of Swedish Hospital, here in Seattle.  So, when I move my arm, all the "little Ken Parkers" in their cells, will also move their arm.  That's the way Parallel Processing works in the computer field, by the way.

Wish me luck!  There will be updates, through the end of the procedure.  This should be a great experience, and blogging it is awesome.

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Parker, Dream Social Worker (as well as many other hats:  Check my profile)

---  "You might already be my client.