Saturday, December 1, 2012

Being a "Social Worker" for Planet Earth.

Hello followers.   One of my newest, ongoing tasks, is as a recurring Social Worker for Planet Earth.

In the future, I will post specific BLOG entries for issues the Planet is suffering from.  (A great example of a "planetary illness" is the loss of Rain Forests).  But, right now, let's discuss what I mean when I say I'm acting as a "planetary social worker".

The Universe is alive.  Very alive.  Seth (via books by Jane Roberts) discusses a topic he calls Units of Consciousness, for example.  (And I even see discussion of this in other forums).

An easy way to look at this is from the perspective of the Balance of Nature.

Please note that something as big as a planet needs several Social Workers.  I'm only one, but one that gets feedback from Earth that indicates a two-way understanding.  I believe that counts for something.

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA

"I'm a Troubleshooter.  I look for trouble and shoot it".

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Social Worker for a Suicide Victim

If I had to subtitle this, it would be, "Why putting a plastic bag over your head is not a good idea".

For once, I have a story I am allowed to pass along to my followers.  (Many of these are blocked, due to Client/Practitioner Privacy concerns.  However, in this case, the only thing blocked is the name and location of the person who committed suicide, mainly for the privacy of the family).  All I'm allowed to use is the short form of his first name, Jim.

Jim had a rocky, and eventful life, that matches a lot of others, in this difficult environment in the United States.  He was a employee of a Restaurant, fairly well paid, until the Restaurant went bankrupt, due to a huge loss of other jobs in the area he lived in.  The situation was so bad, that the majority of Public Schools had closed down, and the size of the Police and Fire departments were cut in half.  Needless to say, this cut down on the number of people wishing for meals in this Restaurant (a local restaurant called something like Family Diner).  However, at the same time the Restaurant receipts went down, the Rent for the building suddenly doubled!  Why?  The landlord said he could!  He said, "Take it or leave it"!  So, there was nothing left for the Restaurant to do but close.  (I am not sure what the Restaurant management was able to do, because my Client lost touch with them.  That will have to be someone else's story).

Jim had been doing somewhat OK, while employed.  He had a wife and two children, one reason names and location (even State) have been redacted.  (I can say the rest of the family is devastated by the Suicide.  I sat down with them, but most of the details don't fit this story, except to state that their financial difficulties remain, and that they are, fortunately, being helped by Government Services).

After being "laid off" (a euphemism for "fired" I have yet to figure out), Jim, and his family went into a deep turmoil.  There was no Severance pay, and he had kept up with vacation time, so they used up their savings pretty quickly.  At the time of Jim's death, they had received a Foreclosure notice for their house (which was small for four people, but barely livable).  They were up for eviction within a month, which makes it a good thing they are now getting Government help.

On Jim's last night, he used what was left of his savings, to take the entire family out for dinner.  He didn't want them to think he was heartless by leaving them behind.  (Unfortunately, that is exactly what the family feels about him!)

My part, in this effort, was to listen closely to what Jim, and the family members had to say, and provide information on what resources they could get, to help them through this experience.  From my point of view, it was as simple as walking through a doorway to go between Jim and his Family.  From their standpoint, they might as well have been on different planets!  Yes, one of my frequent questions is how a person can communicate with dead relatives.  Another one, believe it or not, is the opposite one, how a dead person can communicate with those he or she left behind.  (Sometimes that is allowed  --  for example, in the dream state  --  but not in this case, because this particular Suicide situation drove a huge wedge between Jim and his family.  For instance, even though I was able to walk between Jim and his Family, it was as if I was walking through a force field.  And it was me, myself, who determined that it was best that neither Jim, nor his family knew I had access between them).

The person most traumatized by the actual death was Jim's wife, by the way, who found Jim in the bed, with a rubber band holding the bag on his head.  He had asked to go to bed early, and she found him, already dead, when she was ready to retire for the evening.  Paramedics were unable to do anything, and Jim was given a preliminary pronouncement of death at the scene, due to no brain activity.  A more detailed pronouncement occurred at the hospital.  The Suicide Note was short, and basically stated, "Sorry about that.  I can't continue in this state".

One reason I have been led to write this is the fact that some of Jim's bodily organs, especially heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and eyes, were able to be preserved.  He put himself down as an Organ Donor, so all of this was done right at the beginning, by putting Jim on a Respirator, before transporting him to the Hospital.  But the fascinating part of this was the fact that I was able to interview Jim's body organs!  They were not happy with Jim's suicide, in the least!  (His lungs had gone into convulsions, trying to preserve his life, for example).  This is a little known fact, by the way, not highly known, due to a lack of interest in the subject of death in the United States.  But I was able to get informed consent by some of Jim's Organs, for their future use in Organ Transplants.  (The one exception were his Lungs, who considered themselves too highly traumatized to be able to function in anybody else's body).

What are Jim's prospects for his future as a "Cumulative Soul"?  Tough, because he now has an emotional rift with his closest relatives, especially his wife, and may need to start some lifetimes with people in other, more remote Energy Rings (see link for more information), before he feels he could be ready to reconnect with people in this lifetime.  One note:  Jim has a tentative appointment with me, in another of my unpaid dream jobs, as a Librarian for the Akashic Records, for Life Review.  Whether he is ready at that point is unsure, because of his current trauma.

Finally, a note on Suicide in general:  Regardless of what you may have read in "sacred scriptures", there is no special retribution for Suicide.  It is, simply put, one way a lifetime may end.  In fact, there are situations where Suicide may be considered a good idea.  One example is where you have been kidnapped by criminals, drugged, and forced (like a robot) to use a weapon to kill other people.  Committing suicide, in this case, is not used against you at all  --  on the contrary, in more illuminated, future courtrooms, you may be rehabilitated, and allowed to testify against the criminals in Court.

Thank you for your consideration, and best regards,

Kenneth Wayne Parker, Troubleshooter

"I look for trouble, and shoot it!"