Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dream jobs don't pay physical world bills.

Due to an unfortunate encounter with a poisoned omelet at a Seattle IHOP back in April, my life has been in a tailspin, which I'm only pulling back into level flight now.

The "nice psychiatrists" who have been trying to help me put me onto a medication that left me docile, manageable, but completely miserable, as I could not sleep most nights. But do I dream! Twenty dreams a night, on average. In 8 to 10 of them, I'm employed.

A long time ago, I came up with a policy that seems to work well for me: If I'm not sure I'm in a dream or not, treat it as rock bottom reality. Follow all laws, treat people politely and with respect, and, if I'm employed, do the best job I possibly can. The problem is, when I wake up, besides being tired as the dickens, I'm in the same boat in physical reality as before I went to bed -- same poverty, same apartment that's threatening to go away if I don't pay rent. Same state agencies that want to shut me off from all services.

So what is my point? It seems there are those out there who use, "Dreams aren't real" to get around labor laws.

Anybody else experiencing dream jobs that are vivid enough to make you tired when you wake up? Post a comment!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

PDF File for the story mentioned in prior post.

I have a PDF version now of the story that I started to put on another BLOG of mine, Eye Blink Universe, which prompted the creation of this BLOG. (I went ahead and put a post there anyway, saying there was a story, so off topic, that I had to create another BLOG to house it. Never mind that this is a BLOG I've wanted to create for quite some time).

The story is titled Two Nights in the life of Ken Parker, one of Seattle's many Dream Social Workers. It is a PDF file that you can view via Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview (on the Mac).

To tease you just a bit, here are brief paraphrasings from the two parts (nights). Note, by the way, that this is a "real world" experience, but it cemented, in my mind, one of my biggest dream jobs:

1. Evicted from a Homeless Encampment, or, Turning myself into Seattle's East Precinct for "Orderly Conduct".

This first part starts with a security guard for a 24 hour store accepting my help when he was going to, possibly, evict 3 men from being right outside the only entrance to the store at 3:30 am. I happily take on the job [because it's right up my alley], and start talking about the "usual reasons" that people become homeless. These topics included the Golden Rule, the need to treat others with respect, courtesy and kindness, if you want the favor returned. Other topics included how Street Drugs have a tendency to ruin a person's life, and that Alcohol isn't too hot either.

Half an hour later, a petite and friendly looking (but somewhat depressed) young woman joined the group. (She could even be pretty if she cleaned herself up). I included her in the conversation, even getting many intelligent questions from her. In fact, due to her, I was able to expand the topics to "Beginning Reality 101". She showed true curiosity and an ability to listen that approaches my own. I was getting ready to ask her what agencies she works with, thinking I could pull for her to get her off the streets, but then I "put my foot in my mouth" by bringing up the Afterlife, putting her into Rebuttal and Argument mode! Finally, she accused me (and rightly so!) of being too talkative and long winded. And then, after an escalation, the funny lines! Her: "You have to leave now". Me: "But the security guard asked me to talk to you people". Her: "You have to leave now!" Me: "But I am here legitimately, since I need to shop". Her: "You have to leave now!" Me: "But I believe I have as much right to be here as you do!" Her: "You have to leave now!!!" Me: "What will you do if I don't leave?" Her: I will call the police and have them force you to leave!" Me: "OK. No problem. Good bye". Her: "And don't even think of coming back! I don't ever want to talk to you again!!!". Me: "That's cool".

I calmly and politely left the area and walked a couple of blocks before I started "rolling over the sidewalk laughing my head off!" Then, like the title, I proceded to the east Precinct Police Station and, with a completely straight face, said I need to turn myself in for "Orderly Conduct". The officer asked for clarification. After I got through the story, the desk officer joined me in a most hearty laughter! Come on, now, evicted from a group of homeless people, who would then be using that spot for panhandling and dealing drugs? That still rules as one of the funniest personal experiences I can think of in my life!

2. Doctor Jaclyn and Ms. Hyde -- or -- "You aroused who? You're lucky to be alive!"

I'll be brief on this one. Word spread around the Seattle Police Department, who know me quite well (and not always for the best). Some officers shared that, if she's the one they know, she's one of the ringleaders of the Seattle area drug trade. She is also highly rated in many versions of Martial Arts and so will defend herself if attacked, and "handle it herself". The police are quite sure that she's killed a number of men who tried to rape her, for instance. Then, one officer spoke up, the one in the title, saying that she also has a reputation for a huge "libido", and has a reputation for when, "in heat", being able to "sexually overpower" many men, and, when in complete control, robbing those men blind. She is rarely caught for that, because a typical man, sexually attacked by an attractive woman, tends to be too embarrassed to report the crime. And even when she gets caught, there's a "revolving door" in Wasington State that often lets people out way too quickly.

That's it for now. Feel free to comment. I have "Moderation" turned on, mainly due to the Spammers, but I'm quite happy to post alternative views, as long as the person is respectful.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dream Social Worker Story (If I can figure out how to import a PDF file to BLOGGER)

I'm chomping at the bit to get a PDF file up on BLOGGER. There is a delay to get it there, due to the fact that the "intuitive" approach (Copy and Paste of Rich Text Format data straight to BLOGGER) failed so badly, as well as so hilariously, that I'll just ask you to be patient.

Of course, since I haven't started promoting this BLOG yet, this post is, simply, going on deaf ears. (However, it's there for completion, when somebody is looking at this BLOG as a whole).

While you are waiting, here's the "vector BLOG", the one I was writing to, when I figured out that an intending BLOG post was so hilariously off topic, that it could only be rectified by creating a new BLOG. And, thankfully, this BLOG name was not taken.

The Eye Blink Universe.